All adults who want to join the activities of the Association and who, having made a request, obtain admission from the Board of Directors can apply to become Members.
The request must be addressed to the President and must indicate, in addition to the personal and fiscal data, the acceptance of the Statute and of the corporate representative bodies.
Membership in the Association is free and voluntary, but commits members to respect the decisions taken by its corporate bodies, according to the statutory powers and to behave correctly both in internal relations towards other Members and with third parties.
Ordinary Members, Supporters, Honorary Members.
Ordinary Members are those who, upon request, having the requisites, ask to be part of the Association.
Members must fully accept the statutory and regulatory provisions of the Association and are required to pay an annual membership fee, the amount of which is set annually by the Board of Directors.
All Ordinary Members have the right to vote for the approval of the budget, the amendments to the Articles of Association and internal regulations and participate in the active and passive electorate for the appointment of the Board of Directors.
1) Ordinary Members are also the Founding Members.
2) Supporting Members are those who pay an annual membership fee as a voluntary contribution higher than the value fixed for the ordinary fee. They ask to join the activities of the Association and participate in the social life.
3) Honorary Members are persons or institutions awarded this status on the unanimous proposal of the Board of Directors. They have a symbolic and representative function, they can participate in social life without the right to vote.
No limitation is placed on the number of members, all adult citizens of both sexes can join, without age or nationality limits.